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Influenza Vaccine

MMCAP Infuse has great pricing on Influenza Vaccine!

  • Better than private sector 
  • Comparable to CDC 
  • Variety of discounts available

MMCAP Infuse Influenza Vaccine Program

Influenza Vaccine Program

Supplier Announcements

No supplier announcements at this time

CDC Seasonal Influenza Webpage


Full Line Distributors

FFF Enterprises, Inc.

Provides all influenza vaccines

ASD Specialty Healthcare, LLC

Provides all influenza vaccines 

McKesson Medical-Surgical

Provides all influenza vaccines


Direct Contract with Manufacturers


Fluarix, Flulaval all presentations

Sanofi Pasteur

Fluzone all presentations and Flublok


Afluria, Fluad, Flucelvax

MMCAP Infuse contract pricing is not available through your routine pharmaceutical wholesaler.

To view influenza contract award information and pricing for current and upcoming flu seasons, go to MMCAP Infuse Influenza, where you will log in with your username and password. If you need assistance, please contact MMCAP Infuse at 651.201.2420 or

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