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Open RFPs

The following MMCAP Infuse solicitation opportunities are available. If you have any questions about how to access the solicitation, you can email or call the MMCAP Infuse Help Line at 651.201.2420. 

Open RFPs:  

Title: Pharmacy Automation Solutions and Supplies

Reference Number: 35274

Download Link: OSP (Office of State Procurement) website or

Email Questions: 

RFP Due Date: February 28, 2025 @ 2pm Central Time

Instructions: There are two (2) documents associated with this proposal. Once you click on each button to download, you MUST insert an email address and click submit. When you’re redirected to the next page, click on the document title listed below to download and obtain the following documents. These documents are titled with the following:

  • Download solicitation PDF and subscribe = Pharmacy Solutions and Supplies RFP
  • Addendum 1 = Exhibit F – Cost Proposal

IMPORTANT: Although the Exhibit F – Cost Proposal is titled “Addendum 1”, it is worth noting that this is NOT an addendum. System limitations prevented us from changing the naming conventions of these documents. 

Your information will be collected for the purpose of notifying you of any official addendums that may be issued for this solicitation.  If the RFP is further distributed to any other parties that have not downloaded the solicitation from the OSP website and recorded their information, they will not be notified of these addendums. Not receiving any addendum will not be grounds for protesting the awards made in this RFP. 

Title: Generic/Multisource Pharmaceuticals and Over the Counter Products

Reference Number: 35260

Download Link: OSP (Office of State Procurement) website or

Email Questions: 

RFP Due Date: March 5, 2025 @ 2pm Central Time

Instructions: There are four (4) documents associated with this proposal (not including any addendums that may have been released). Once you click on each button to download, you MUST insert an email address and click submit. When you’re redirected to the next page, click on the document title listed below to download and obtain the following documents. These documents are titled with the following:

  • Download solicitation PDF and subscribe = Generic/Multisource Pharmaceuticals and Over the Counter Products RFP
  • Addendum 1 = ePro Submission Instructions
  • Addendum 2 = Exhibit A – 2025 MMCAP Infuse Sample Agreement
  • Addendum 3 = Exhibit C – Responder Additional Proposed Products
  • Addendum 4 = Addendum 1

IMPORTANT: Although the ePro Submission Instructions, Exhibit A and Exhibit C, are titled “Addendum 1”, “Addendum 2” and “Addendum 3”, it is worth noting that these are NOT addendums. System limitations prevented us from changing the naming conventions of these documents. 

Your information will be collected for the purpose of notifying you of any official addendums that may be issued for this solicitation.  If the RFP is further distributed to any other parties that have not downloaded the solicitation from the OSP website and recorded their information, they will not be notified of these addendums. Not receiving any addendum will not be grounds for protesting the awards made in this RFP. 



Title: Incontinence Products

Reference Number: 35297

Download Link: OSP (Office of State Procurement) website or

Email Questions: 

RFP Due Date: March 14, 2025 @ 2pm Central Time

Instructions: There are two (2) documents associated with this proposal. Once you click on each button to download, you MUST insert an email address and click submit. When you’re redirected to the next page, click on the document title listed below to download and obtain the following documents. These documents are titled with the following:

  • Download solicitation PDF and subscribe = Incontinence Products RFP
  • Addendum 1 = Cost Proposal Worksheet 
IMPORTANT: Although the Cost Proposal Worksheet is titled “Addendum 1”, it is worth noting that this is NOT an addendum. System limitations prevented us from changing the naming conventions of these documents. 
Your information will be collected for the purpose of notifying you of any official addendums that may be issued for this solicitation.  If the RFP is further distributed to any other parties that have not downloaded the solicitation from the OSP website and recorded their information, they will not be notified of these addendums. Not receiving any addendum will not be grounds for protesting the awards made in this RFP. 


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